Saturday 28 July 2007

rt.representation theory - The Category of Representations of a Group

The category Rep(G) is a symmetric tensor category, and it is a theorem that this structure determines G (Tannaka-Krein duality, but I'm not familiar with it). Each object is dualizable because there is a dual representation, from which appropriate evaluation and coevaluation maps can be constructed. The unital object is the trivial representation.

(Incidentally, a symmetric tensor category is a kind of categorification of a commutative ring.)

In the finite case, It is a fusion category because there are finitely many simple objects, there is rigidity as stated above, and because $mathbb{C}[G]$ (or more generally $k[G]$ for $k$ a field of characteristic prime to the order of $G$) is a semisimple algebra (Maschke's theorem). Semisimplicity is also true for continuous finite-dimensional representations of compact groups by the same "averaging" argument used in Maschke's theorem, though the group algebra is not necessarily semisimple. In the finite group case, the number of simple objects is equal to the number of conjugacy classes in G. In the infinite group case, for instance, the rotation group $SO(n)$ has infinitely many irreducible finite-dimensional representations obtained by the action on the spherical harmonics of various degrees (i.e. harmonic polynomials restricted to the sphere).

In the case of S_n, generators of this ring can be indexed by the Young diagrams of size n. The relations are given by the tensor product rules, and while the Pieri rule gives a special case of this, as far as I know, there is no a simple general way to express the tensor product of two representations associated to Young diagrams as a sum of Young diagrams.
However, there are apparently algorithms to do this.

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