Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Are C3PO and R2D2 different from normal Star Wars Droids?

I've been re-watching the movies and watching the Clone Wars series and studying the extended canon of books and video games and stuff lately and I've learned a few things. Simply put they are special and here's why.

C3PO: C3PO was built by Anakin (this should speak volumes). When C3PO was built, Anakin was a young prodigy and had the ability to build or fix anything according to dialogue in Episode 1. He builds C3PO FROM SCRATCH, meaning 3PO wasn't built on an assembly line like other Human Protocol Droids of his kind. He was built by the most powerful Jedi of all time (arguably). Anakin has the highest count of Midi-clorians of any known being, he's lonely, he's a genius and he builds a custom made EMOTIONAL droid that goes on to be one of the most decorated droids in the entire galaxy. I think this makes him special. With all his brilliance, Anakin gave him emotion and threepio becomes a legend.

R2-D2: R2 seemed to have started out as a typical R unit. I'm unsure of his origins but by a stroke of luck he's the only droid that survives the concentrated fire of the separatist blockade in Episode 1. He goes on to receive accolades from Amidala and somehow one thing leads to the next and years later he comes into a partnership with Anakin. I say partnership because Jedi's aren't allowed to own possessions. R2 ends up fighting the entire clone war as Anakins personal R2 unit. The Clone Wars series teaches a lot about R2. In one episode R2 falls into enemy hands and we learn that he has NEVER had his memory erased. And here we arrive at what makes R2 special. He has NEVER had his memory race, even after the clone wars. Anakin sees R2 as a friend and chooses not to erase his memory. R2 thus expresses free will, creative thinking, even emotions such as fear and joy not to mention he has a memory that extends all the way back to his creation. Memory is closely linked to emotion. R2 is also extremely lucky. I think all this clearly makes him special. And again, he becomes just as much of a legend as Threepio.

So to answer the question, yes I believe they're clearly special, though it depends on how you define special. Both of them are made of metal and wires and circuits and the matter of sentience is certainly arguable, but, they clearly have humanlike qualities and display numerous examples of Heroics. I think it would be crazy to say there's nothing special about them when Anakin clearly saw something in them.

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