First let me say, I was attempting to clean my house while I was watching this episode, so I certainly wouldn't take my interpretation of this as gospel. However, I too was a little intrigued by this particular scene and I re-watched it.
I was under the impression that Cara's hunger was completely out of control by this point. I recall she observed the teenagers at the mall, and they appeared to be bullying another girl (playing keep-away with the girl's purse or something to that effect). Just from Cara's appearance, it seems to me that she was probably a girl who was bullied/picked on before she became a vamp.
Then the scene changes and you see her killing one girl, but she walks away and leaves the other unharmed (possibly the girl who was being bullied? I'm not 100% sure). It just seemed more personal than random to me, but maybe I'm overthinking it.
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