Thursday 23 July 2015

doctor who - During the Time War why didn't the Daleks blow up at least one TARDIS while in the Time Vortex?

The fracturing of time and space by exploding a TARDIS doesnt appear to be a guaranteed thing in the slightest.

For one, Eleven had to deal with his TARDIS exploding yet again (see Journey to the Center of the TARDIS), and time wasnt cracked for the rest of the universe, just locally inside the ship.

For another the Daleks dont seem to have any real fear of destroying the ship in Stolen Earth. If there were such common negative consequences for destroying a TARDIS they would have hesitated at least a little. Actually, since these were Daleks that had someone with direct knowledge of the Time War, they would hesitate quite a lot.

(For a third tangential point, Daleks, even after zombie puppet tricks, are not the stealthiest nor silent of creatures. If they got on board a TARDIS, they wouldnt take much opportunity for sabotage, just slaughter, and possibly reverse engineering the thing.)

The TARDIS was in a special situation with the Silence. They had special knowledge of the future, specifically the Doctor's and its own future. In blowing up the TARDIS to prevent it from reaching Trenzalore, the Silence added their own paradox to the mix, one that stretched far through time. That added to the effect, greatly, and crack goes existence.

If the Daleks could weaponize such an effect, I've no doubt the would. Weaponizing involves directing at enemies and shielding themselves, and that doesn't sound like something they could arrange.

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