No. It's not even clear that the Orcs actually were created by twisting the Elves, although it's one of the more popular theories.
However, regardless of their proper origin, none of the Orc progenitors are named in Tolkien's writings. The (in-universe) earliest named Orc I can think of is Boldog, an Orc-captain named in some early drafts of the Lay of Leithian. It's possible he was one of the first orcs, but there's no confirmation of this; in fact, as Tolkien himself noted in a footnote to his essay on Orcs, it's possible that "Baldog" was a title, or that he was a Maiar-spirit in Orc form:
Boldog, for instance, is a name that occurs many times in the tales of the War. But it is possible that Boldog was not a personal name, and either a title, or else the name of a kind of creature: the Orc-formed Maiar, only less formidable than the Balrogs.
History of Middle-earth X Morgoth's Ring Part 5: "Myths Transformed" IX
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