Friday 17 July 2015

movie - How does Bane know Bruce is the Batman?

Bane couldn't have known Batman's identity via the League of Shadows. That makes no sense chronologically.

  • Talia was a child when she escaped the pit.

  • Then she journeyed to find her father, who then rescued Bane out of the pit.

  • Bane was excommunicated, and Talia then began hating her father.

[Note: It's established that she never forgave him until his death, and that she regrets this. So after Bane was kicked out of the League of Shadows, she got really mad at her father and didn't talk to her father ever again.]

  • Only after this did Bruce Wayne join the League of Shadows.

[Note: we know this because Talia seems to be about the same age as Bruce, which means that when she escaped as a child and Bane was saved, Bruce wasn't Batman yet. Even if she only found her father years after escaping, it couldn't have been after Ra's Al Ghul met Bruce since between the ending of Bruce's training and Ra's Al Ghul's death in the first film a relatively short amount of time goes by - even though the narrative in Batman Begins doesn't make it clear how much time exactly, it seems to be just a few days. This is irrelevant however, since, as was erstwhile stated, it is quite established that by the time Bruce blew up the League of Shadows' headquarters Talia hadn't spoken to her father in a long time.]

  • Then Ra's Al Ghul died. This is the person that one of the people answering above thinks told Talia about Batman's identity.

  • Yet only after Ra's Al Ghul's death did Talia want to complete his father's wish of destroying Gotham. So since she last talked to him before he trained Bruce Wayne, how could she know Batman's identity?

  • Additionally she had no link with the League of Shadows by then, and the whole organization might as well be over or seriously splintered after their master was defeated and died.

So who could have told either Talia or Bane that Bruce Wayne was Batman? Isn't this a plot hole here?

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