Tuesday, 14 July 2015

star trek - Why didn’t Voyager fly to the end of the Bajoran wormhole in the Gamma Quadrant?

Three errors made by some posters here:


The Gamma Quadrant exit of the Bajoran wormhole has a very specific location. Space is very, very transparent. You can see objects that are billions of light years away, unless you are looking through the dust clouds near the plane of the galactic disc. The Galaxy has over 100 globular star clusters that surround it in all directions - most of them are not obscured by galactic dust clouds.

Measuring the angles to three or more globular clusters would be enough to measure the position of the Gamma Quadrant exit of the Bajoran wormhole very precisely, and it would have been done many times, at least once by each science ship that passed through it. And Voyager would have measured its position near the Ocampa Array from observations of globular star clusters.

According to the Voyager pilot episode "Caretaker", just about a minute after being transported to the Ocampa Array Ensign Kim says:

KIM: Captain, if these sensors are working, we're over seventy thousand light years from where we were. We're on the other side of the galaxy.

So obviously starship sensors can measure positions very rapidly.


If Janeway wanted to head for the Gamma Quadrant exit of the Bajoran wormhole they could have plotted a very precise course toward it.


The Dominion did not rule the volume of space that included the Gamma Quadrant exit of the Bajoran wormhole.

DS9 made contact with various space travelers that come through the Bajoran Wormhole in the first season and into the second season and none of them mentioned that they were subjects of the mighty Dominion and the Federation better stay on good terms with the Dominion.

Obviously the Dominion border must have been tens, hundreds, or thousands of light years away from the Gamma Quadrant exit of the Bajoran wormhole.

The Dominion ordered the Federation to stay out of the Gamma Quadrant and the Federation ignored their warning. The Federation obviously considered the space traveling realms that were closer to the Gamma Quadrant exit of the Bajoran wormhole to have more right to control who used it than the Dominion did.

If the Dominion ruled the space that included the Gamma Quadrant exit of the Bajoran wormhole they could have and would have simply stationed a war fleet by the mouth of the wormhole to blast each and every starship that came out of the mouth of the wormhole. But they didn't.


By the time that Voyager was lost in the Delta Quadrant the Federation probably already had rough maps of the size and location of the Dominion. The Dominion probably didn't keep its borders secret. Thus Voyager could have plotted a course that took it past Dominion space and turned back to come to the Gamma Quadrant exit of the Bajoran wormhole from the direction opposite to the Dominion and least likely to be conquered by the Dominion.

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