As the pair were attempting to escape the factory, the foreman ended up just in front of the them, so Aaron took advantage of (either knocking the foreman out, or killing him) to aid their escape and since he was down anyway, Aaron takes the watch knowing its value will probably be needed in the near future, as they are now both fugitives and on the run from the agency's operatives.
Shortly after that scene, Marta takes Aaron to a flophouse to wait through the sickness to come. She had infected Aaron with the virus, to 'viral him out' of the dependance on blue pills. He gets very sick. She is nursing him, wiping the sweat off his soaked brow. He struggles to sit up, even though she tells him to stay down. Aaron sits up anyway.
He then tells Marta that he has 40,000intheliningofhisjacket,therearepassportsinhisbackpack,boththeonestheyusedandblank,andthatthewatchfromtheforemanisworth(Icouldnothearifhesays2k or $20k) and that she should take it all and go disappear. She has done enough for him.
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