Thursday 27 August 2015

identify this movie - Man's wife turns back into a monster when he talks about it

I'd say it's a movie from the 80's or 90's.

At one point the main character sees a monster in the street (I'd say at night, in an alley). It's quite a big monster and the monster can talk. They talk and the guy is frightened and the monster agrees to spare his life under one condition: that the man never ever talks to anyone about the monster. So the man agrees.

Then life goes on. He meets a girl and they have kids (if I recall correctly, not 100% sure about the kids).

But then the guy is not doing well: he thinks about that monster he saw years ago all too often. Eventually after years of silence (I think years went by because I think they did have kids), he breaks the deal and talks about the monster to his friend / wife. And the wife starts screaming / yelling at him and... she turns back into the monster.

Not too sure about what happen next.

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