Sunday 30 August 2015

star wars - Why did Palpatine choose Jango Fett's gene to create Clone Army?

The main reason for choosing Jango Fett's genes for this was because of his prowess in battle. Here is an excerpt from Wookieepedia:

Having captured Fett, the Bando Gora prepared to turn him into a mindless slave. It was here that Fett acquired many of his facial scars. Vosa herself came to demand of him the name of his employer, but Zam Wesell freed Fett before being injured by the insane Dark Jedi. After a long duel with Vosa, Jango Fett emerged victorious. As he prepared to finish her off, Vosa asked if he would choose to leave her dead or alive. Jango, looking at the ruined female nearing her death, lowered his weapons. Vosa murmured "He… is here." before being choked with the Force to her last breath.

To Fett's surprise, Tyranus was indeed there, and he was impressed. The bounty was a test to determine if the rumors of Fett's skills against Jedi were true. If so, his clones trained under his supervision would be very effective once Order 66, the order to eliminate all Jedi, was issued. While Fett had personally killed many Jedi on Galidraan, Tyranus considered his former apprentice a more challenging test. In addition to the bounty on Vosa, Tyranus offered Fett a tempting sum of money for an unusual task: Fett was to be a template for an army of clones. Fett agreed, and soon millions of clones were created in his likeness at the cloning facility on Kamino. Fett, however, remembered Rozatta's final wish and asked for one clone produced without genetic tampering, an apprentice and son that would become Jaster's legacy and revive the Mandalorians.

Not only was Fett supposed to provide his genetic makeup, he was to train the clones, which was his dual reason for being on Kamino.

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