Saturday 29 August 2015

lord of the rings - Why is Gimli allowed to travel to Valinor?

I am going to belatedly provide a nitpicky answer:

Gimli did not go to Valinor.

Neither did Frodo, Bilbo or Sam.

They went to Tol Eressea, where presumably they would live out their lives, Galadriel's song "Namarie" notwithstanding.

Somebody who has the Letters handy may even be able to quote verse and chapter, nagging in the back of my mind, where Tolkien stated that. Even something about the Noldor generally only moving to the Lonely Island, possibly Tirion or Alqualonde.

We can speculate that they were permitted to briefly visit Valinor and have something like an audience on Taniquetil with the Valar. Get a nice pat on the head for defeating Sauron. Maybe Gandalf, reverting back to being Olorin took everybody on a visit to Lorien. Who knows?

It's been a gripe of mine for a while here of SFFSE as it's generally conflated: Valinor is the lands of the Valar in Aman. It's not "the West" in toto.

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