Sunday 16 August 2015

doctor who - What happened to Donna if the incident of the Daleks moving the Earth never happened?

Donna is fine, and her memory is still wiped.

This is because the events of "Journey's End" still technically happened. As we've seen, the cracks work in such a way that even when they erase something from existence, that thing's imprint on causality remains. It doesn't make much sense logically, but that's paradoxes for you.

In the same way that the events of "Journey's End" can still have happened even after the event itself was erased from history, the Byzantium remained crashed even after the Weeping Angels who crashed it were erased, Amy continued to exist even though her parents were erased, and Rory's engagement ring stayed on the TARDIS even though he was erased.

There are a number of other examples, but the point is that the cracks create contradictory paradoxes in that even though things are being removed from time, their effects on the timeline are not. Therefore, Donnna would still have had her memory wiped because the events that caused that to happen, though erased, still had an effect on the timeline.

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