Wednesday 5 August 2015

Identify a short story where a young boy is time-shifted several minutes into the future

If it is the book I'm thinking of, I would have read it in the early 80s, in grade school. Say, 1981 through 1983. It was one of those choose your own adventure books. And I'm pretty sure it's this one:

Not exactly a short story, but I know that there is a passage in there where the boy is shifted ahead by several minutes.

[edit] Since you've expanded the description, I am now 100% certain that my identification is correct. As confirmation, do you remember another passage in the far future, where the boy is automatically hooked up to some virtual environment where he gets to enjoy any pleasure he can think of, only to become disconnected when the steward of the system realizes that he'd be unhappy not being in the real world? I can think of a few others as well, but those seem so generic that I doubt they'd be helpful.

[edit] Not this book but a sequel, see Psychonaut's comment.

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