Friday, 7 August 2015

identify this movie - Flooded quarry monster revealed to be excavator

14 year-old American kid Cody Walpole has been forced to go and live
in the Australian Outback with his father’s best friend following the
death of his parents. Cody is an enterprising inventor. He and two
local sisters trek up to the lake near an old disused mine, which is
said to contain the Donkejin or Bunyip, a creature from Aboriginal
legend. When the girls drift out onto the lake on a raft, Cody jumps
in to save them but they are attacked by a saurian monster that rises
to the surface. Escaping and returning to town, Cody starts to
research into ‘kadaicha’ or Aboriginal magic, and determines to return
and confront the ‘Donkejin’. When he successfully makes a suit, he dives in
to explore and find the creature.

In reality the creature is an old piece of mining equipment called a
Donkey Engine. It’s basically an huge excavation crane that has had
air trapped under it causing it to life to release some of the
pressure from time to time. Cody managed to find his way into the air
pocket underwater, and as the “creature” lift’s its head out of the
water he finally manages to escape to freedom.

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