Tuesday 18 August 2015

Locational origins of Radnor

In Blitz there is a police informant by the name of Radnor (played by Ned Dennehy) who seems 'too dumb to live'1.

Here are two snaps of him casing the premises of the guy he knows has killed one police officer, and who intends to kill more.

Close upIn his 'plain as a flag' undercover clothes

Way to look inconspicuous, dude..

I was convinced that this character was supposed to be (a - monumentally - stereotypically dumb) Irishman, and it was one more reason not to like the movie. But while watching the movie again recently with a friend, I made a comment to the effect 'here comes the dumb Irishman' to which my friend expressed surprise, presuming him to be English.

His accent made me think he was Irish. Was I wrong? Was he supposed to be seen as English? His accent did not seem the same as the other people in the movie (even the actual killer, who is ironically played by an Irish actor). If wrong, where does that accent originate from?

  1. TV Tropes warning: I've expanded on that in the TDTL: Film page

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