Thursday 20 August 2015

single word requests - What do you call a person who believes technology is a panacea?

When Someone:

  • Strongly believes that technology can address (nearly) all issues facing humanity, possibly to the exclusion of other means.

  • Exclusively or predominately Favors/promotes technological solutions to problems the exclusion of other approaches.

  • Is generally accepting of broad claims suggesting that a new technology or product will quickly and permanently do away with complex social or economic issues, or who is prone to make such claims himself.

  • Tends to overlook or dismiss negative side-effects (cultural, economical, civic) of widely-disseminated new technology or is inclined to believe that these will fail to materialize despite reasonable indications to the contrary.

  • Disposed to embrace additional/newer/better technology as a means to address for previous failures or negative ramifications of technology.

In the past, I have used the word technocrat for this purpose, but the dictionary defines a technocrat as (I'm paraphrasing) "a proponent of meritocracy organised around technological knowledge".

Another alternative is technophile, but this only describes (literally)
a lover of technology and does not connote idealogical or political
emphasis placed on technology's role in human society.

An existing question, what word is the opposite of Luddite? (close),
seemed promising, but actually asked for something quite different.

Update #1:

technocentric seems closest in meaning to what I sought, though its not in any dictionary I've looked at and despite the fact that the wikipedia page spins it as an idealogy that pertains predominantly to environmental issues.
The wiktionary definition however, is spot on:

technocentrism (uncountable):

The ideology that advocates the using of technology to try to answer all questions.

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