Friday 7 August 2015

star trek - Do we ever hear the Romulan language being spoken?

The Memory Alpha page provides a small list of phrases and words that we hear or see in the franchise:

  • D'deridex: "Warbird", a term designating Romulan starships, or perhaps a particular class of starship (heard several times in TNG)

  • Jolan Tru: A salutation, used in the same way as "greetings" and "good-bye". (TNG: "Unification I", ENT: "United")

  • Prod: Praetor or Commander. (Star Trek 2009)

  • Uhlan: A rank in the Romulan military. (TNG: "The Defector")

  • Veruul: A churlish or rude person; possibly profane (TNG: "The Defector")

  • Viinerine: A type of food. (TNG: "Face of the Enemy")

  • Vorta Vor: The source of all creation. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)

In terms of seeing the script, we see the following script on Geordi's VISOR in TNG: The Mind's Eye:

Romulan script

There is also quite a far more extensive understanding of the language provided on Memory Beta, but these are outside the scope of the question (which refers to language heard on-screen)

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