Sunday 16 August 2015

Why did Jigsaw test Art Blank two times in Saw 4?

This is one of the traps that makes the least sense in the series.

Taken in account that it was Gordon that sewed Trevor's eyes shut, and Hoffman does not know that Gordon is working with Jigsaw, we can determine this is a Jigsaw trap, probably one of his last as there is not even a tape at the beginning, the trap just starts.

In the saw wiki

In a later flashback, Art finds two items waiting for him elsewhere in the mausoleum: a recorded message from Jigsaw and an envelope containing instructions.)

It can be determined, due to the new trend of having a person go through a series of tests for freedom, that this was part of that process, and Art was simply continuing with his series of tests that started out in the mausoleum.

It might also be possible that Hoffman didn't know the test even took place, looking into John's history and captured Art on his own accord in order to have someone as a Zepp-like pawn for his test against Rigg.

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