Wednesday 5 August 2015

Why does Gus walk away from his car?

As we know, Gus is an extremely careful and intelligent man and he is in fact always ahead of Walt and everyone else. And I think it was exactly the fact that Brock was poisoned (which we know Gus didn't do) that made him doubt the situation, which is told to him by Jesse during their meeting right before.

Jesse: He's not sick, he was poisoned.
Gus: How did that happen?
Jesse: The doctors, they don't know.

So he learns that Brock was poisoned by unknown circumstances. Gus might even guess it was Walt or not or that Jesse is in on anything or not, but what he knows is that definitely some kind of foul play was at the works and ultimately ended up bringing him here. So I think this was the primary hint that something was wrong with this whole hospital visit. And in fact after he is told of the poisoning he immediately gives in, lets Jesse stay in the hospital and leaves, though he doesn't seem to think about an actual car bomb until on his way to it.

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