Sunday 23 August 2015

identify this movie - A woman gets turned into a man by a makeover machine

I remember seeing this movie between 2000 and 2008 on one of the premium TV channels like HBO or Showtime. In the movie there is this girl that’s not entirely happy with her life. Early in the movie she visits this one booth thing that allows you to take your appearance and alter it. She alters it to the point where she is a guy and somewhat tall. Something happens, like an explosion, and she ends up outside of the booth. She quickly discovers that she’s been turned into a guy, looking exactly the way she looked in the booth thing.

The rest of the story is about her adapting to the new body, trying to figure out what to do (I don't remember a lot of the details from this part). The movie had a foreign feel to it, maybe Swedish or something, but I’m not 100% sure.

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