Tuesday 11 August 2015

Why is Leia, the twin of Luke, not a Jedi?

Somewhat related to This question over on Sci-Fi SE. The short of it is that Ben Kenobi (and Yoda) were keeping tabs from afar on both Luke and Leia. Luke got the nod for Force training for the sole reason that Leia had been captured, and Ben needed some help getting her out of trouble. Ben, pragmatic as he was, used this serendipitous meeting between himself, Luke, and R2 (carrying a message from Leia) to kick-start the plan he and Yoda had set in motion twenty years earlier.

In addition, think back to Ep IV. Vader had Leia in captivity, and was torturing her personally in her holding cell for some time. He never discovered any latent Force-sensitivity in her. Yet, in the heat of battle, in two separate fighter cockpits separated by several dozen meters of vacuum, Vader could sense in just a few seconds that the Force was strong with the pilot in his crosshairs. That's pretty strong evidence that Luke is in fact the stronger of the two in the ways of the Force. This is borne out in EU sources; Leia trains under Luke in the days of the New Republic, and becomes a Jedi Consular in the New Jedi Order using her Force powers for negotiation and diplomacy. However, she is never a warrior to compare with Luke, or even her own children Jaina, Jacen and Anakin, all three of which become Jedi Knights and one of which falls to the Sith.

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